I really like fresh mackerel, actually I only like about 4 types of fish in total but that's another story. Mackerel is an oily fish and it's best eaten grilled, with lots of lemon juice. But what do you do when you can't grill? You go make your crispy fish in the oven.
gutted fresh mackerel
1 tbsp olive oil/mackerel
salt an pepper, to taste
It's obvious that everyone knows how to cook fish in the oven, but there are people, just like I was when I've first started, that aren't so confident about cooking, and don't know what to do. So I've decided to share my technique on making crispy fish in the oven.
Start by washing your fish well, inside and out, patt it dry with some kitchen towels and set aside. Prepare the tray by lining it with parchment paper and set a smaller wire rack on top, just like in the picture.
Season your fish with salt, pepper, and oregano on both sides, insert some lemon slices inside its belly and drizzle with olive oil all over the surface.
Lay the fish on the rack and put the tray into an oven at 210 C degrees, for 35 minutes, turning half way through the cooking process. It's really delicious and simple.